Class 10th Science CH-6 Transportation in Plants
Transportation is a very important life process for plants. The nutrition in plants is done by the process of photosynthesis. Plants also take other raw materials like nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus etc. All this raw materials are taken from the soil by the roots. This material has to be transported in all parts of the plants. This is done by xylem and phloem tissues. Also the transportation of water is done by plants through different process.
Usually the small plants do the diffusion process for transportation. But when the plant size increases the diffusion process cannot fulfil the requirements. Plants also have low energy requirements so the transportation process is slow in plants. In humans the energy requirements are high so the transportation process is fast.
Transportation in plants:
1)Transportation of water:
The transport of water in plants is done by the xylem tissues. Xylem is made up of Tracheids, vessels, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma. The roots of the plants have hairs which absorbs the water in it. Then it reaches to the xylem tissue which transports it to all parts of the plants. When it reaches to the leaves, it is evaporated by the process of transpiration. Transpiration is the force or pull which helps water to transport in upper direction from roots to the leaves. This force also helps the roots to absorb more amount of water from soil. Hence, more amount of transpiration leads to more amount of uptake of water. At the day time transpiration process helps in transport of water and at night transport of water is done by root pressure.
2)Transportation of food:
In plants, the food is prepared in leaves by the process of photosynthesis. The food is transported by the process of translocation. It is done by phloem tissues from the leaves to all parts of the plants. Phloem is made up of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma. The translocation is done by the sieve tubes with the help of companion cells present in phloem. It transports products of photosynthesis and also amino acids and other important substances.
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