When we eat something we feel some water in our mouth. This is actually not water but a substance called saliva. Saliva is secreted from salivary glands. Saliva helps in making the food soft so it be easy to digest. The food we eat is in complex molecule and it has to be in simpler or smaller molecule. salivary amylase enzyme contained by saliva do this job. Then after chewing the food it goes down through food pipe or oesophagus. 

    The food then reaches to stomach. Stomach has digestive juices which help in digesting food. The wall of the stomach contains gastric glands which release hydrochloric acid, pepsin which digest proteins, and mucus. Pepsin needs an acidic medium to react so hydrochloric acid makes the medium acidic. And the mucus protects the inner lining of the stomach from the reaction of acid. When we eat more amount of food the stomach makes more hydrochloric acid and this cause pain and irritation called acidity. This pain can be reduced by taking antacids. The exit of the food from the stomach is done by sphincter muscle. 

    The food now reaches to small intestine. Here, the complete digestion of food takes place. Small intestine receives secretions of liver and pancreas. The food coming from stomach is acidic and has to be basic for pancreatic enzymes to work. This is done by liver secretions known as bile juice and bile salts. They makes the medium basic and also act on fats. Now pancreas releases enzymes like trypsin and lipase. They help in digesting protein and emulsified fats. The walls of the small intestine has some glands which converts carbohydrates into glucose, proteins into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Now small intestine has finger-like projections called villi. It is supplied with blood vessels and takes this absorbed food in each and every cell of the body, where it is utilised for obtaining energy. 

    Now  the unabsorbed or remaining food is sent into large intestine where it absorbs more amount of water from that material. Then the rest material is removed from body via anus. This is done by anal sphincter. 
   This is how NUTRITION takes place in Human. 

To know about respiration in humans then click below. 

To know about Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration then click below.

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