Class 9th GSEB SS CH-6 question answers
Ch-6 World after 1945: Question answers: 1. Explain about the United Nations' Charter. Ans. The United Nations' Charter starts with Preamble and it explains the goals of UNITED NATIONS. Below given are the goals : (1) There is a determination to save the future generation from the pages of all destructive war. Here, emphasis has been laid on responsibilities born out of international laws and mutual understanding. (2) Emphasis has been laid on developing tolerance mutually so that the whole world develops socially. (3) Economic, Social and Cultural problems should be solved with the intervention of United Nations and human rights as well as basic freedom should be disseminated irrespective of caste, language, gender or religion. (4) Lastly, appeal to all the nations for co-operation to achieve these objectives. Thus, United Nations' Charter concludes that dismissal of war and constant urge for peace is the main objective of United Nations. 2. Write a note on C...