Class 9th GSEB SS CH-6 question answers
Ch-6 World after 1945:
Question answers:
Ans. The United Nations' Charter starts with Preamble and it explains the goals of UNITED NATIONS. Below given are the goals :
(1) There is a determination to save the future generation from the pages of all destructive war. Here, emphasis has been laid on responsibilities born out of international laws and mutual understanding.
(2) Emphasis has been laid on developing tolerance mutually so that the whole world develops socially.
(3) Economic, Social and Cultural problems should be solved with the intervention of United Nations and human rights as well as basic freedom should be disseminated irrespective of caste, language, gender or religion.
(4) Lastly, appeal to all the nations for co-operation to achieve these objectives.
Thus, United Nations' Charter concludes that dismissal of war and constant urge for peace is the main objective of United Nations.
2. Write a note on Cold War.
Ans. The World War II got over, it resulted into creation of America and Russia as superpowers while talking the place of England and France. In war, England, France, Russia and America were together but Russia administration policies created differences and thus America and England separated. A strong competition between the two superpowers, i.e., America and Russia, to establish supremacy over the world emerged after Second World War. The power was centralised between two poles i.e., America and Russia. Therefore, this time period is known as the 'Cold War Phase'. At various incidents both the superpowers almost came into conflict with one another. There was a basic change in relations among powerful nations of the world after the World War. America and the Soviet Union, who had once allied and fought against the Nazi Germany and the Fascist Italy, emerged as leaders of two rival power blocs and military powers.
(3) Explain about the Cuban Crisis.
Ans. America declared blockade of the communist Cuba, which was on southeast. To defend Cuba against possible attacks of America, the Soviet Union sent ships loaded with nuclear missiles in the Caribbean Sea. Both the superpowers threatened each other to use nuclear weapons. The world was almost on the verge of nuclear war. Finally, leaders of America and the Soviet Union had a talk on the 'Hotline' for the first time. The Soviet Union decided to withdraw its ships and America decided to curb nuclear missiles aimed towards Cuba. The whole episode is known as 'Cuban crisis'. This episode is very important episode in the world politics. It begins communication between two superpowers. This incident is important towards the process of disarmament of nuclear weapons. The entire 'Cuban Crisis' is considered as the beginning of the end of the cold war.
(4) What is Non-Aligned Movement ?
Ans. Some new nations adopted the policy of not to align with any of the two power blocs and military blocs. They decided that they would maintain equal distance with both blocs. These nations were identified as 'Non-Aligned Nations' and their foreign policy was called 'Non-Aligned Policy'. Under the leadership of India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru; Indonesia's first President, Sukarno; Egypt's second President, Ghana's first President Kwame Nkrumah; and Yugoslavia's President, Josip Broz Tito got a thumbing support for the movement. In this Non-Alignment Council, 23 countries of Asia and 6 countries of Africa were present. The organization was founded in Belgrade in 1961 known as NAM (Non-Align Movement). It opposes foreign occupation, interference in internal affairs and aggressive unilateral measures, but it has also shifted to focus on the socio-economic challenges facing member states, especially the inequalities manifested by globalization and the implications of neo-liberal policies. The Non-Aligned Movement has identified economic underdevelopment, poverty, and social injustices as growing threats to peace and security. Today more and more countries have joined the Non-Aligned Movement. Union summit was held at Kuala Lumper on 13th May, 2003.
(5) Explain about partition of Germany.
Ans. Germany was the main cause behind both the World Wars. It faced a humiliating defeat in World War II. All its state administration and economy collapsed completely. There was not a single large party left in the whole of Germany that could rule the nation. In addition to that, there was a fear that Germany would pose threat to the world once again. If it emerged as a military power once again. Therefore, the defeated Germany was divided into four administration segments. America, France and Britain started thinking about certain alternative arrangement. Meanwhile an atmosphere of distrust and doubt had already started between two power blocs. America and other other western Europeans countries established 'Federal Republic of Germany'. This was administered jointly by America, Britain and France. On the other side, the Soviet Union also declared 'East Germany' as 'Democratic Republic of East Germany.' Thus, after the War, two independent German states came into existence, namely West Germany (democratic) and East Germany (communist). As Germany's three western segments were united, three administrative segments of Berlin also united. In a reaction to this, Soviet Union in April 1948, declared 'Berlin' a high and 42km long wall separating western and eastern Berlin was constructed.
(6) Write a note on unification of East Germany.
Ans. Till 1990 many important and far-fetching changes took place in international politics. Owing to many reasons, the Cold war among super powers also ended. These years witnessed cracks in otherwise impregnable Soviet Union. Ultimately Soviet Union was disintegrated. As a consequence of it, on October 3rd, 1990 both the Germany united. People broke down the German wall, which was a symbol of German division. People considered demolition of the Berlin Wall as the end of the Cold War era and celebrated the occasion whole-heartedly. Today unified Germany has turned out to be the strongest economic nation in the last decade. Today it has become one of the most important and leading nations of the European Union.
(7) Write a note on Disintegration of Soviet Union.
Ans. During the last decade of the twentieth century, Soviet Union's Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev's liberal policy led to the disintegration of Soviet Union (Russia). Peaceful disintegration of Soviet Union is considered as epoch-making in the international politics. Mikhail Gorbachev became the Prime Minister from a socialistic side on 11th March, 1989. He had a liberal attitude. Russia had progressed tremendously in the field of science and technology. They also had acquired capability to compete with superpowers like America. Gorbachev adopted two politics 'Glasnost' and 'Perestroika'. In this way Gorbachev introduced economic and political reforms in the place of single-handed communist rule. The Stronghold of communist party, the Soviet bureaucracy and the Red Army started weakening. In 1990, process of the disintegration of Soviet Union began. Towards the end, out of 15 states, 14 states became independent and disintegration of Soviet Union came to an end (December, 1991).
(8) Write a note on Contribution of India on International level.
Ans. India has contributed significantly at the international level during its freedom struggle and after its independence. India has always opposed imperialism, colonialism and evils like racial discrimination. It has supported movements opposing such evils. India had always remained active in the formation of the United Nations and is actively involved in all its activities. India has played an important role by sending its military to support the United Nation's efforts in maintaining international peace and security. India has worked appreciable by sending military troops to countries like Gaza, Cyprus, Congo, and Srilanka during their conflicts. India has helped actively in maintaining peace. India has persistently emphasised on the need of disarmament to achieve world peace and security. In this issue, it has taken leadership in debates world around and in making useful suggestions. India has expressed the desire of the entire humanity for peace by presenting a proposal for total nuclear disarmament in the United Nation's General Assembly.
(9) How are the India-US relationship ?
Ans. Both India and the United States are democratic countries. Apart from having lot of similarities, there has been lot of ups and downs in the relationship also. The United States did not like India's role of not joining any power bloc and accepting non-aligned policy after its independence. Further they hoped that India would join them but India joined Non-Aligned movement for its economic growth. There is another reason that amicable relation between India and US could not grow. That is US's policy of favouring Pakistan. They supported Pakistan in the case of Jammu-Kashmir, Pakistan has joined US led power and military bloc, where as India had adopted policy of Non-Alignment. Treaties regarding nuclear weapons have become one of the most important points of disagreement between India and United States. United States has persisted that India should sign the 'Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty'. There is a remarkable change in relations between both countries after terrorist attack on New York's World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. The United States is now accepting the fact that is growing economically very fast. Now, both the countries wish that there should be intimate relationship with each other.
(10) Write India's relationship with Bangladesh.
Ans. Bangladesh got freedom after many struggles. In the year 1971, Bangladesh became an independent and sovereign country as earlier it was a part of Pakistan. As a new upcoming country, India helped Bangladesh financially, technically and physically by giving equipment for its growth and development. But there are certain issues which have risen between India and Bangladesh. The utilization of water from river Ganga and its proper channelizing has been talked out between the two countries. During flood, cyclone and any other natural calamities, India is helped immensely. In 2015, concrete talks have taken place in matters of disputed geographical land regions and the citizenship of people.
(11) Write a note on India-Bhutan relation.
Ans. A peaceful and cordial friendship treaty had been signed between India and Bhutan in the year 1949. Bhutan has trustfully sided India in its security and foreign policies. India assured to aid Bhutan in telecommunication and transportation. Prime Minister Jawarharlal Nehru visited Bhutan in the year 1958 and thereafter Indian President too had visited Bhutan in the year 1970. India helped Bhutan in the becoming a member of United Nations in the year 1971. There is never Bhutan in the year 2014 and said that India's progress had direct effect on its neighbouring countries. The inter-security related co-operation has been done satisfactorily.
(12) How are the relation of India with Sri Lanka ?
Ans. The relation between India and Sri Lanka is very old. Many tamilians of India have gone to Sri Lanka and settled thereafter. Their citizenship was the main issue between India and Sri Lanka but continuous talks have resolved it. The problems of tamilians and peaceful talks between Tamil organisations and Srilankan government was the priority of India. India's Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi visited the troubled regions of Tamilians in Jaffna on 13th March, 2015. India assisted financially for the reconstruction of 27,000 houses for rehabilitation of tamilians. Today India and Sri Lanka have very cordial relation.
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