Respiration is of two types: (1) Aerobic Respiration and (2) Anaerobic Respiration. 

Now, what is Aerobic respiration?
When respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen, it is called Aerobic respiration.
What is Anaerobic respiration?
When respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen, it is called Anaerobic respiration. 

Now, the first step in Aerobic or Anaerobic respiration is to breakdown a six-carbon molecule (glucose) into a three- carbon molecule (pyruvate). 
Now the breaking of pyruvate in Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration is different.

In Aerobic respiration the pyruvate is break-down in presence of oxygen in mitochondria and it gives carbon-dioxide, water and energy. 

Now, in Anaerobic respiration the pyruvate is break-down in absence of oxygen in cytoplasm and it gives carbon-dioxide, ethanol and energy. 

In some cases the pyruvate is break-down in lack of oxygen in our muscles and it gives lactic acid and energy. It causes cramps in our muscles. 

The amount of energy released in presence of oxygen is more in compared to absence of oxygen. 
It means that Aerobic respiration gives more amount of energy as compared to Anaerobic respiration. 

To know about Respiration in humans then click below. 

To know about nutrition in humans then click below. 

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